Druid 12
Bounty Hunter (faction agent)
Current Level:
Total GP:
Total Downtime:
Lord's Alliance
Faction Rank:
Stingblade (rank 3)
Magic Item Count:
Magic Item Limit:
Gauntlets of Ogre Power,
Cloak of Displacement,
Opal of the Ild Rune,
The Shroud of the Mourning Warrior,
Staff of Thunder and Lightning

Log Entries

Date Played Adventure Title Session Levels GP ▲ Downtime Magic Items
2024-07-23 09:16 Purchase Log -850 Show Purchase

Spend 850gp on ink to copy spells into ritual book.

2018-06-26 00:00 DDAL07: A Day at the Races 3 -7.15 5 Show

Story Award
Winner, Winner Raptor dinner
There can be no dispute, even with your attention divided, you were able to lead your team to undisputed victory.
Such a fine victory means only one thing; to be treated to the finest modest accommodations to be found in the city for free—maintaining a Modest lifestyle for up to 30 days!

Gain and lost money on betting

2018-07-26 17:14 DDAL07: A Walk in the Park 4 40 12 Show
2018-03-15 11:17 Background 0 40.2 0 Show

A set of clothes appropriate to your duties and a pouch containing +20 gp
Sell Scimitar +12gp
Sell shortbow +12gp
Sell Yew wand +5gp
Sell Leather Armour +2.5gp
Buy Totem -1gp
Buy Healer's kit -5gp
Buy Healer's kit -5gp
Buy Club -0.1gp
Buy Quaterstaff -0.2sp

Build Sources: PBH+XGTE (inc tortle package)

2018-03-16 11:14 DDEX1: Defiance in Phlan 1 40.66 5 Show

Gained 2 potions of healing

2018-11-26 06:46 DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 6 75 5 Show

Item Unlocks: Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
These sturdy leather gauntlets appear to be in pristine condition. Indeed, any nicks or tears in the material mends itself within twenty-four hours. Additionally, any blood, mud or other grime that soils the gloves quickly dries begins falling away in fine flakes until the surface is again clean.

Your Strength score is 19 while you wear these gauntlets. They have no effect on you if your Strength is 19 or higher without them.

adding 75 GP for leveling

2024-07-23 08:52 DDAL05-08 Durlag's Tower! 1 1 100 10 Staff of Thunder and Lightning Show

Spell Scroll of Greater Invisibility
Potion of Speed
Potion of Superior Healing
Potion of Frost Giant Strength

2018-04-05 11:18 DDEX1: Screams at Dawn 2 124.2 1 Show

used 1 potion of healing on Yew

2022-05-20 10:40 DDAL05-13 1 2 200 10 The Shroud of the Mourning Warrior Show

Congratulations! You have completed DDAL05-13 Jarl Rising

Level: Gain a level (if you like)
Downtime: Gain 10 downtime days
Gold: 1,000gp (200gp each)
Magic Item:

The Shroud of the Mourning Warrior (+1 Scale Mail)
Armor (scale mail), rare
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

This suite of scale mail armor is fashioned out of slivers of wood—each engraved with Giant runes of death and lament, and sewn onto a backing of black leather. The armor resizes to fit its wearer.

2020-03-20 07:48 DDAL05-05 A Dish Best Served Cold 5 1 233.33 Cloak of Displacement, Potion of Frost Giant Strength Show

Story Awards
Frontier Friend. If the characters free Burleigh by convincing Scarn Mikel to let him go peacefully, the Blood Riders gain a new respect for the Frontier Scouts. As a result, the riders stop bullying the scouts and they stay out of one another’s way. As long as you possess this story award, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) and (Persuasion) checks made to influence any member of the Frontier Scouts.

2021-09-28 15:43 DDAL05-11 Forgotten Traditions 1 240 29 Opal of the Ild Rune Show

Fist-sized red crystal (Potion of Fire Giant Strength)
Fist-sized blue crystal (Potion of Superior Healing)
Fist-sized black crystal (Spell Scroll of Antilife Shell)

Student of Stone.

You have studied under the tutelage of Illsenstaad, a legendary stone giant loremaster and stone carver. You gain the benefit of the dwarven Stonecunning trait. If you already possess the Stonecunning trait, you triple your proficiency bonus instead of doubling it. In addition, you also gain proficiency in mason’s tools and the Giant language if you are not already proficient.


Your meditations have granted you the gift of foresight. Upon receiving this story award, roll a d20 and record the number rolled. Once, you can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with the number you rolled. You must choose to do so before the roll. Once you have used this story award in this fashion, remove it. This story award may be earned again as often as you like, but you must complete the Dreamwalker downtime activity (above) each time and may not do so again until you no longer possess this story award.

2019-10-10 17:41 DDAL05-04 In Dire Need 1 240 Mithril Splint Mail, Splint Mail +1 Show

Items: Each PC may take , or Splint Mail +1. If you exceed your Item Max, you must get rid of items to stay within the limit.
Story Awards:
SEER's Delivery Service. You successfully delivered the rune tablet into the hands of the Lord’s Alliance for study, much to their gratitude. You gain advantage on ability checks that involve interacting with NPC members of the Lord’s Alliance. Additionally, you gain disadvantage on ability checks that involve interacting with NPCs that specifically oppose the Lord's Alliance.

Heroes of Citadel Adbar. Your brave rescue of the Frostbite Platoon has earned you fame and favor within the dwarven citadel. While the citadel normally shuts out visitors, you are granted access to the citadel's upper reaches. You gain advantage on ability checks that involve interacting with dwarves from Citadel Adbar, regardless of where you travel.

2020-03-20 07:55 Trade Log Ring of Protection > Show Trade Log

handed back Ring of Protection

2021-10-24 07:31 Trade Log 5 Headband of Intellect > Shield+1 Show Trade Log
2019-09-15 08:12 Season 9 Start 20 Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Headband of Intellect, Ring of Protection Show

Level up,
Take up offer of magic items:
1. Gauntlets of Ogre Power
2. Headband of Interllect
3. Ring of Protection: (Lord Alliance Faction item)

2019-09-15 08:05 Season 8 Ending Show

Spend 8TCP on Spell Scroll (4th – 5th Level)

2019-05-01 06:55 DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege 1 Show

Headband of Intellect (Table F)
Wondrous Item, uncommon
Shining with a polished brilliance this golden headband never dulls. The sound of heavenly chimes can be heard when the wearer has a new idea. A description of this item can be found in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Potion of Hill Giant Strength (Table B)
Potion, uncommon
A description of this item can be found in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Story Awards
Savior of Parnast.
You are always welcome in Parnast, while in town you will not spend any gold on food or lodging (lifestyle must still be paid for any downtime days spent).
Giant Horde Breaker!
The tale of your defense of Parnast has spread far and wide. Charisma checks made when dealing with goodly folk who have had trouble with giants in the past are made with advantage. Similarly, any Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check you make against a non-good-aligned giant is made with disadvantage.

2018-09-08 17:29 DDAL07-05 Whispers in the Dark 5 5 Show

UNLOCKED: Pearl of power Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster) You can use an action to speak this pearl's command word and regain one expended spell slot of up to 3rd level. Once you have used the pearl, it can't be used again until the next dawn. This bright yellow pearl is set in a ring of black iron and glows with a warm, yellow light. The ring has been fashioned into the shape of a serpent that twists around its wearer’s finger with the pearl clutched in its mouth. While attuned to the pearl, the wearer’s dreams are consumed by darkness with a pair of yellow, serpentine eyes staring at them. This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide

Table F
Tier 1
TCP 16

Date Played Adventure Title Tier Session ACP TCP Downtime Renown
2024-07-23 09:16 Purchase Log Show Purchase

Spend 850gp on ink to copy spells into ritual book.

2018-06-26 00:00 DDAL07: A Day at the Races 3 5 1 Show

Story Award
Winner, Winner Raptor dinner
There can be no dispute, even with your attention divided, you were able to lead your team to undisputed victory.
Such a fine victory means only one thing; to be treated to the finest modest accommodations to be found in the city for free—maintaining a Modest lifestyle for up to 30 days!

Gain and lost money on betting

2018-07-26 17:14 DDAL07: A Walk in the Park 4 12 1 Show
2018-03-15 11:17 Background 0 0 Show

A set of clothes appropriate to your duties and a pouch containing +20 gp
Sell Scimitar +12gp
Sell shortbow +12gp
Sell Yew wand +5gp
Sell Leather Armour +2.5gp
Buy Totem -1gp
Buy Healer's kit -5gp
Buy Healer's kit -5gp
Buy Club -0.1gp
Buy Quaterstaff -0.2sp

Build Sources: PBH+XGTE (inc tortle package)

2018-03-16 11:14 DDEX1: Defiance in Phlan 1 5 0 Show

Gained 2 potions of healing

2018-11-26 06:46 DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 1 6 2 2 5 0.5 Show

Item Unlocks: Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
These sturdy leather gauntlets appear to be in pristine condition. Indeed, any nicks or tears in the material mends itself within twenty-four hours. Additionally, any blood, mud or other grime that soils the gloves quickly dries begins falling away in fine flakes until the surface is again clean.

Your Strength score is 19 while you wear these gauntlets. They have no effect on you if your Strength is 19 or higher without them.

adding 75 GP for leveling

2024-07-23 08:52 DDAL05-08 Durlag's Tower! 1 10 Show

Spell Scroll of Greater Invisibility
Potion of Speed
Potion of Superior Healing
Potion of Frost Giant Strength

2018-04-05 11:18 DDEX1: Screams at Dawn 2 1 1 Show

used 1 potion of healing on Yew

2022-05-20 10:40 DDAL05-13 1 10 Show

Congratulations! You have completed DDAL05-13 Jarl Rising

Level: Gain a level (if you like)
Downtime: Gain 10 downtime days
Gold: 1,000gp (200gp each)
Magic Item:

The Shroud of the Mourning Warrior (+1 Scale Mail)
Armor (scale mail), rare
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

This suite of scale mail armor is fashioned out of slivers of wood—each engraved with Giant runes of death and lament, and sewn onto a backing of black leather. The armor resizes to fit its wearer.

2020-03-20 07:48 DDAL05-05 A Dish Best Served Cold 5 Show

Story Awards
Frontier Friend. If the characters free Burleigh by convincing Scarn Mikel to let him go peacefully, the Blood Riders gain a new respect for the Frontier Scouts. As a result, the riders stop bullying the scouts and they stay out of one another’s way. As long as you possess this story award, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) and (Persuasion) checks made to influence any member of the Frontier Scouts.

2021-09-28 15:43 DDAL05-11 Forgotten Traditions 29 Show

Fist-sized red crystal (Potion of Fire Giant Strength)
Fist-sized blue crystal (Potion of Superior Healing)
Fist-sized black crystal (Spell Scroll of Antilife Shell)

Student of Stone.

You have studied under the tutelage of Illsenstaad, a legendary stone giant loremaster and stone carver. You gain the benefit of the dwarven Stonecunning trait. If you already possess the Stonecunning trait, you triple your proficiency bonus instead of doubling it. In addition, you also gain proficiency in mason’s tools and the Giant language if you are not already proficient.


Your meditations have granted you the gift of foresight. Upon receiving this story award, roll a d20 and record the number rolled. Once, you can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with the number you rolled. You must choose to do so before the roll. Once you have used this story award in this fashion, remove it. This story award may be earned again as often as you like, but you must complete the Dreamwalker downtime activity (above) each time and may not do so again until you no longer possess this story award.

2019-10-10 17:41 DDAL05-04 In Dire Need Show

Items: Each PC may take , or Splint Mail +1. If you exceed your Item Max, you must get rid of items to stay within the limit.
Story Awards:
SEER's Delivery Service. You successfully delivered the rune tablet into the hands of the Lord’s Alliance for study, much to their gratitude. You gain advantage on ability checks that involve interacting with NPC members of the Lord’s Alliance. Additionally, you gain disadvantage on ability checks that involve interacting with NPCs that specifically oppose the Lord's Alliance.

Heroes of Citadel Adbar. Your brave rescue of the Frostbite Platoon has earned you fame and favor within the dwarven citadel. While the citadel normally shuts out visitors, you are granted access to the citadel's upper reaches. You gain advantage on ability checks that involve interacting with dwarves from Citadel Adbar, regardless of where you travel.

2020-03-20 07:55 Trade Log Show Trade Log

handed back Ring of Protection

2021-10-24 07:31 Trade Log 5 Show Trade Log
2019-09-15 08:12 Season 9 Start 20 Show

Level up,
Take up offer of magic items:
1. Gauntlets of Ogre Power
2. Headband of Interllect
3. Ring of Protection: (Lord Alliance Faction item)

2019-09-15 08:05 Season 8 Ending Show

Spend 8TCP on Spell Scroll (4th – 5th Level)

2019-05-01 06:55 DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege 1 1 4 4 1 Show

Headband of Intellect (Table F)
Wondrous Item, uncommon
Shining with a polished brilliance this golden headband never dulls. The sound of heavenly chimes can be heard when the wearer has a new idea. A description of this item can be found in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Potion of Hill Giant Strength (Table B)
Potion, uncommon
A description of this item can be found in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Story Awards
Savior of Parnast.
You are always welcome in Parnast, while in town you will not spend any gold on food or lodging (lifestyle must still be paid for any downtime days spent).
Giant Horde Breaker!
The tale of your defense of Parnast has spread far and wide. Charisma checks made when dealing with goodly folk who have had trouble with giants in the past are made with advantage. Similarly, any Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check you make against a non-good-aligned giant is made with disadvantage.

2018-09-08 17:29 DDAL07-05 Whispers in the Dark 1 5 2 2 5 0.5 Show

UNLOCKED: Pearl of power Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster) You can use an action to speak this pearl's command word and regain one expended spell slot of up to 3rd level. Once you have used the pearl, it can't be used again until the next dawn. This bright yellow pearl is set in a ring of black iron and glows with a warm, yellow light. The ring has been fashioned into the shape of a serpent that twists around its wearer’s finger with the pearl clutched in its mouth. While attuned to the pearl, the wearer’s dreams are consumed by darkness with a pair of yellow, serpentine eyes staring at them. This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide

Table F
Tier 1
TCP 16

Date Played Adventure Title Session XP GP ▲ Downtime Renown Magic Items
2024-07-23 09:16 Purchase Log -850 Show Purchase

Spend 850gp on ink to copy spells into ritual book.

2018-06-26 00:00 DDAL07: A Day at the Races 3 528 -7.15 5 1 Show

Story Award
Winner, Winner Raptor dinner
There can be no dispute, even with your attention divided, you were able to lead your team to undisputed victory.
Such a fine victory means only one thing; to be treated to the finest modest accommodations to be found in the city for free—maintaining a Modest lifestyle for up to 30 days!

Gain and lost money on betting

2018-07-26 17:14 DDAL07: A Walk in the Park 4 450 40 12 1 Show
2018-03-15 11:17 Background 0 0 40.2 0 Show

A set of clothes appropriate to your duties and a pouch containing +20 gp
Sell Scimitar +12gp
Sell shortbow +12gp
Sell Yew wand +5gp
Sell Leather Armour +2.5gp
Buy Totem -1gp
Buy Healer's kit -5gp
Buy Healer's kit -5gp
Buy Club -0.1gp
Buy Quaterstaff -0.2sp

Build Sources: PBH+XGTE (inc tortle package)

2018-03-16 11:14 DDEX1: Defiance in Phlan 1 100 40.66 5 0 Show

Gained 2 potions of healing

2018-11-26 06:46 DDAL05-12 Bad Business in Parnast 6 75 5 0.5 Show

Item Unlocks: Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement)
These sturdy leather gauntlets appear to be in pristine condition. Indeed, any nicks or tears in the material mends itself within twenty-four hours. Additionally, any blood, mud or other grime that soils the gloves quickly dries begins falling away in fine flakes until the surface is again clean.

Your Strength score is 19 while you wear these gauntlets. They have no effect on you if your Strength is 19 or higher without them.

adding 75 GP for leveling

2024-07-23 08:52 DDAL05-08 Durlag's Tower! 1 100 10 Staff of Thunder and Lightning Show

Spell Scroll of Greater Invisibility
Potion of Speed
Potion of Superior Healing
Potion of Frost Giant Strength

2018-04-05 11:18 DDEX1: Screams at Dawn 2 100 124.2 1 1 Show

used 1 potion of healing on Yew

2022-05-20 10:40 DDAL05-13 1 200 10 The Shroud of the Mourning Warrior Show

Congratulations! You have completed DDAL05-13 Jarl Rising

Level: Gain a level (if you like)
Downtime: Gain 10 downtime days
Gold: 1,000gp (200gp each)
Magic Item:

The Shroud of the Mourning Warrior (+1 Scale Mail)
Armor (scale mail), rare
You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

This suite of scale mail armor is fashioned out of slivers of wood—each engraved with Giant runes of death and lament, and sewn onto a backing of black leather. The armor resizes to fit its wearer.

2020-03-20 07:48 DDAL05-05 A Dish Best Served Cold 5 233.33 Cloak of Displacement, Potion of Frost Giant Strength Show

Story Awards
Frontier Friend. If the characters free Burleigh by convincing Scarn Mikel to let him go peacefully, the Blood Riders gain a new respect for the Frontier Scouts. As a result, the riders stop bullying the scouts and they stay out of one another’s way. As long as you possess this story award, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) and (Persuasion) checks made to influence any member of the Frontier Scouts.

2021-09-28 15:43 DDAL05-11 Forgotten Traditions 240 29 Opal of the Ild Rune Show

Fist-sized red crystal (Potion of Fire Giant Strength)
Fist-sized blue crystal (Potion of Superior Healing)
Fist-sized black crystal (Spell Scroll of Antilife Shell)

Student of Stone.

You have studied under the tutelage of Illsenstaad, a legendary stone giant loremaster and stone carver. You gain the benefit of the dwarven Stonecunning trait. If you already possess the Stonecunning trait, you triple your proficiency bonus instead of doubling it. In addition, you also gain proficiency in mason’s tools and the Giant language if you are not already proficient.


Your meditations have granted you the gift of foresight. Upon receiving this story award, roll a d20 and record the number rolled. Once, you can replace any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you or a creature that you can see with the number you rolled. You must choose to do so before the roll. Once you have used this story award in this fashion, remove it. This story award may be earned again as often as you like, but you must complete the Dreamwalker downtime activity (above) each time and may not do so again until you no longer possess this story award.

2019-10-10 17:41 DDAL05-04 In Dire Need 240 Mithril Splint Mail, Splint Mail +1 Show

Items: Each PC may take , or Splint Mail +1. If you exceed your Item Max, you must get rid of items to stay within the limit.
Story Awards:
SEER's Delivery Service. You successfully delivered the rune tablet into the hands of the Lord’s Alliance for study, much to their gratitude. You gain advantage on ability checks that involve interacting with NPC members of the Lord’s Alliance. Additionally, you gain disadvantage on ability checks that involve interacting with NPCs that specifically oppose the Lord's Alliance.

Heroes of Citadel Adbar. Your brave rescue of the Frostbite Platoon has earned you fame and favor within the dwarven citadel. While the citadel normally shuts out visitors, you are granted access to the citadel's upper reaches. You gain advantage on ability checks that involve interacting with dwarves from Citadel Adbar, regardless of where you travel.

2020-03-20 07:55 Trade Log Ring of Protection > Show Trade Log

handed back Ring of Protection

2021-10-24 07:31 Trade Log 5 Headband of Intellect > Shield+1 Show Trade Log
2019-09-15 08:12 Season 9 Start 20 Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Headband of Intellect, Ring of Protection Show

Level up,
Take up offer of magic items:
1. Gauntlets of Ogre Power
2. Headband of Interllect
3. Ring of Protection: (Lord Alliance Faction item)

2019-09-15 08:05 Season 8 Ending Show

Spend 8TCP on Spell Scroll (4th – 5th Level)

2019-05-01 06:55 DDAL05-16 Parnast Under Siege 1 1 Show

Headband of Intellect (Table F)
Wondrous Item, uncommon
Shining with a polished brilliance this golden headband never dulls. The sound of heavenly chimes can be heard when the wearer has a new idea. A description of this item can be found in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Potion of Hill Giant Strength (Table B)
Potion, uncommon
A description of this item can be found in the Dungeon Master's Guide.

Story Awards
Savior of Parnast.
You are always welcome in Parnast, while in town you will not spend any gold on food or lodging (lifestyle must still be paid for any downtime days spent).
Giant Horde Breaker!
The tale of your defense of Parnast has spread far and wide. Charisma checks made when dealing with goodly folk who have had trouble with giants in the past are made with advantage. Similarly, any Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) check you make against a non-good-aligned giant is made with disadvantage.

2018-09-08 17:29 DDAL07-05 Whispers in the Dark 5 5 0.5 Show

UNLOCKED: Pearl of power Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement by a spellcaster) You can use an action to speak this pearl's command word and regain one expended spell slot of up to 3rd level. Once you have used the pearl, it can't be used again until the next dawn. This bright yellow pearl is set in a ring of black iron and glows with a warm, yellow light. The ring has been fashioned into the shape of a serpent that twists around its wearer’s finger with the pearl clutched in its mouth. While attuned to the pearl, the wearer’s dreams are consumed by darkness with a pair of yellow, serpentine eyes staring at them. This item can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide

Table F
Tier 1
TCP 16